Intergalaktische Erfahrungsreise 2023

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UV Tape art
Sprache: English

  • 20.07, 19:00–20:00, anderswo
  • 22.07, 18:00–19:00, anderswo

Alle Zeiten in Europe/Berlin

In this workshop we'll learn the basics of tape art.

Feel free to bring an images of line art (straight lines work better than curves) or pixel art. (Think more space invaders, not full HD)

If you have a small projector we can try tracing other designs.

Location: Passage between lecture room and workshop room

Content Note


Bart is a spontaneous problem solver who enjoys tinkering, building, and breaking things.
His native habitat is around Hackerspace.Gent (Belgium) but is known to roam around Europe regularly by train between conferences, camps and hackerspaces. Bart enjoys upcycling and repairing items as well as building things with old and new electronics, pallets, or pieces of code. His hobbies include diving, interrail travel, volunteering and meeting new people.

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